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Ring of Seven Virtues

Source Pathfinder #39: The City of Seven Spears pg. 56
Aura moderate transmutation CL 9th
Slot ring; Price 10,000 gp; Weight


This bronze band is covered in geometric shapes and studded with tiny pearls. The wearer of the ring gains a constant endure elements effect and a +5 competence bonus on Survival checks made in jungles. In Saventh-Yhi, the wearer also enjoys the active benefits of one of that city’s seven spears for as long as she is in that spear’s district. The wearer loses the benefits of a particular spear if she leaves that spear’s district, but gains new active benefits if she enters a new spear’s district. The ring’s wearer can only gain the benefits of a single spear at any one time.


Requirements Forge Ring, Self-Sufficient, endure elements; Cost 5,000 gp